Saturday, 21 April 2018

Tips to improve hair growth with in 3 week's

Simple tips which helps hair growth, prevent hair falling,removes dandruff
1. Eladi choornam is the best ayurvedic choornam which cleanse the scalp and removes dandruff. Mix this choornam/ powder with curd/ water and apply to the scalp 30 mints before bath.
 Because it's important to clean your scalp before  you apply anything on hair.
Repeats 4 times it's completely clense your scalp dandruff and dirt free.
2. Take plenty of water
3. Take food rich in vitamin b supplements like milk, almond,oats, Brown rice, cereal rice, egg etc.
4. Brush your hair every morning with naturally bristed brush.It's stimulate your hair follicles.
5. Message your scalp with oils (olive oil+cocconut oil+vitamin e oil).
6. Use mild shampoos or preferably use hibiscus and aloe Vera.
7. Use egg white once in week.
8. Loosen tie your hair when you sleep.