Tuesday, 24 April 2018

What can i do to stop snoring

What can I do to stop snoring
1. Change your sleep position on your side may prevent snoring.
2. Raise up the head of your back may keep your airway open and prevent snoring.
3. If u are hearing snoring after gained weight losing weight may help.
4. Avoid alcohol- sedation of alcohol reduce the testing tone of the muscles in the back of your throughout and leads to snore.
5. Practice good sleep hygine- working long hour without enough sleep may leads to snoring.
6. Change your pillows and bedsheets regularly
7. Stay well hydrated- hardening the secretions in your nose and soft palate when you are dehydrated.
8. Treat chronic allergies.
9.Correct structural problems in your nose.
10. Avoid smoking it may trigger.
11. Jaw belt hold the lower-jaw forward tongue won’t fall-back into the throat, won’t block the airway, air moves into the lung without making snoring.