Yes, child is a young human being unable to do the things without support from parents or others who is above the legal age.But today world-wide legal cases reporting about child abuse,irrespective of caste,creed,sex,and religion.
Each individual or parent should aware about current scenario and take action against it.
For that we have to start from our own home,the to relative's, neighbour's and to community.
1.Educate the family members as well as the children.
2. Teach children their limits and strengths according to their age.
Yes I mean it, LIMIT is nothing but their physical,emotional and behavioural boundarie.
3. EDUCATE child parts of the human body.
4.Teach the child some important phone numbers and home address.
5.Keep the home address in the inner parts of the dress including phone numbers.
Yes I mean to say that, if the child is not remmbering the phone number or address, that too he is under the custody of someone whenever child gets the chance to communicate with others, it's eazy to do that. Well the kidnappers don't notice if it's in the inner side of dress.
6.Make free to the child that they can communicate anything with you.
7.Teach the child ask help from others or leave the area by making noise if any unusual happening or the boudary crossed.
8.Teach your child to always in a group no go single to the class.
9.Be careful in the elevators and corridors.
10.If child old enough teach some self defences.
11. Teach your child don't disclosure the personal details.
12. Check the child social activities and their friends circle.