Wednesday, 9 May 2018

How to avoid vomiting while travelling.

 The traveller sees what he sees,the tourist sees what he has come to see. Quoted by famous writter GK.Chesterton.
 Yes,many peoples love to travel.But most of them suffer from vomitting while travelling.

You can definitely prevent vomiting if you following these things.
1.Don't eat just before the traveling.
2.Avoid food with salts.
3. Avoid milk and milk products.
4. Do not drink more liquids than solids, if stomach is full with liquids is increases the chance of motion sickness.
5.Can take small amount of sugarcane juice just before the journey,it's helps in reducing the acidity of the stomach.
6. Never drink water in a moving bus.
7. Sweet with fruit taste candy which can be kept in the mouth reduces the sensation of nausea.
8.Chew cardamom.
9.Smell eucalyptus oil during the journey.
10.Put news paper on a seat and then sit on the news paper will reduce the motion sickness.
11.If you are on a bus, don't put your feet on the bus floor.Put on the pipe down there.
12.Sit on a thick cushion avoid shocks during the travelling.
12. Every time you travel long distance take an eye mask.
13.Use chewing gums.
14.Avoid burning fumes and smokes from other vehicles.
15.If someone in your vehicle is vomiting avoid looking at them,try not listen the vomiting sound they make.
16.To be comfortable physically and be involved in the nature beauty like greenery, clouds etc..
17.To avoid suffocation.
18. Try to sleep when you are feeling uneasy.
19.Avoid all kind of noises which causes headache.
20.Listen to your favourite music.
21.You can hug the small bag to the stomach and not to the chest.Which restricts the movements of food inside.
22.If you are on a bus journey do not sit at the back of vehicle.
23.Do not read anything during travelling,because it produces confusion between eyes and vestibular system.
25.Avoid playing games.
26.Avoid smoking.
27.Smell and eat a lemon.
28.Open the Window of the vehicle to get fresh air and enjoy the nature.
29.Taking a tablet according to doctors prescription is helpful.
Happy travelling. ......

Thursday, 3 May 2018

How to save child from abuse

Yes, child is a young human being unable to do the things without support from parents or others who is above the legal age.But today world-wide legal cases  reporting about child abuse,irrespective of caste,creed,sex,and religion.
Each individual or parent should aware about current scenario and take action against it.
For that we have to start from our own home,the to relative's, neighbour's and to community.
1.Educate the family members as well as the children.
2. Teach children their limits and strengths according to their age.
 Yes I mean it, LIMIT is nothing but their physical,emotional and behavioural boundarie.
3. EDUCATE child parts of the human body.
4.Teach the child some important phone numbers and home address.
5.Keep the home address in the inner parts of the dress including phone numbers.
 Yes I mean to say that, if the child is not remmbering the phone number or address, that too he is under the custody of someone whenever child gets the chance to communicate with others, it's eazy to do that. Well the kidnappers don't notice if it's in the inner side of dress.
6.Make free to the child that they can communicate anything with you.
7.Teach the child ask help from others or leave the area by making noise if any unusual happening or the boudary crossed.
8.Teach your child to always in a group no go single to the class.
9.Be careful in the elevators and corridors.
10.If child old enough teach some self defences.
11. Teach your child don't disclosure the personal details.
12. Check the child social activities and their friends circle.
13. Communicate with their teachers and friends about their study program and your child behaviour.

Wednesday, 2 May 2018

How to get a attractive feet without crack

Pretty feet without cracks are one of the greatest asset.But most of the people do not know exactly how to make your feet beautiful.Foot health is essential for all the age group's. Cracks in the heals are generally caused by insufficient moisture,craks can become sore and bleed.

Tips are-:
1. On a weekly basis, do pedicure at home. Just take a bucket of lukewarm water add some antiseptic solution and lemon.Dip you feet on it for few minutes.Then rub circular motion with pumic stone to remove dry cells.
2. Apply foot pack with neem leaves and turmeric powder.Apply this paste 30 min before bath.
3. Apply ghee over the heels on daily basis will reduce cracks and soften the heals.
4. During the winter, use soft cotton socks, will help to keep your heal soft.
5.While sleeping apply vaseline petroleum gelly will give extremely beutiful feet.
6. Massage with cocconut oil will improve circulation in foot also moisturize your feet.
7.Apply olive oil to the foot helps to get ride of dry skin and make it soft.Wash your feet with leukewarm water and pat dry with a towel.
8.Apply moisturizers on the feet after bathing will maintain the moisture in the feet.
9. Take lots of vitamins and fibers in your diet it's will maintain a good skin texture.
10.Drink plenty of fluids will helps to prevent skin dryness.

Tuesday, 1 May 2018

How to get good sleep

Sleep hygiene that can help any one to prolong the hours they spend sleep,although most of the people affected by insomnia or difficulty falling asleep at night.
1.Create sleep friendly bedroom for that maintain the room temperature adequate,maintain good mattress is the key to a good night's rest,colours of your room walls can influence the quality of sleep,keep noice down and sleep in total darkness.
2. caffeine which stimulates central nervous system,that can keep you awake.Use only 6 hours before bed time.
3. Smoking also stimulate so do not use to close to bedtime.
4.Alcohol may bring on sleep, after few hours it's act as stimulant.It also interfere night time melatonin production which is the keystone of body sleep rhythm,better to avoid drinking within 3 hours of bedtime.
5.Avoid drinking too many liquids in the evening it may increase the frequency of urination at night.
6.Do not go to bed with fullstomach or hungry,better with no food after 8pm.
7.Take warm milk with honey. Milk contains the sleep inducing amino acid tryptophan,which increases the amount of serotonin, a hormone that works a natural sedative in the brain.Honey tranmit this hormone to the brain.
8.It is best to consume a light meal few hours before bed to ensure proper digesion and sound sleep.
9.Trun your clock face away from you watching the clock when u are trying get sleep, because it may increase the stress.
10.Go to bed when you are truely tired.
11.Try to go to sleep and get up at the same time everyday even in the holidays.
12.Be smart about napping, limit the naps to 15- 20 minutes in the early afternoon.
13.Follow some relaxation techniques before bed time is easy way to get deep sleep.
-close your eyes and take deep breaths making each breath deeper than the last.
-visualize a peaceful restful place.
14. Postpone worring and thought-provoking ideas.